Most of the Western people believe in Allopathic treatments for Psoriasis, Eczema(Atopic Dermatitis), Dry skin conditions etc., though they are not fully satisfied with its results. We,in
India follow Ayurvedic treatment which is more than 5000 years old for treating skin diseases like PSORIASIS, ECZEMA, DRY SKIN and many more such skin related ailments
with full results and satisfaction.
I have formulated a very unique Herbal skin cream called MRUDULA for treating the above problems with utmost result. The herbal product works as an instant SKIN REPAIRING AGENT, hence, it cures skin problems like :
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- Facial pimples
- Facial Black & Acne marks
- Dry & Cracked Feet, Lips
- Heat Rashes
- Mosquito & other Pest Allergies
- Post Chickenpox marks
- Feet Corns, Common itches
- Fungal Infections
- Herpes
- Burns
- Ice Frost .....etc.
This wonderful skin cream can be used for Face to Feet skin diseases with out any side effects. This product is prepared out of very safe herbal ingredients followed by Ayurveda
since ages.
How it works : On application of the herbal cream MRUDULA it penetrates deep inside the skin and helps to repair the damaged/dead cells and regenerates healthy cell very fast. This starts functioning as early as 72 hours to 7 days and the patient starts feeling free from the itches without leaving any scars on the affected area of the skin. This is a great Breakthrough in the treatment of worst & irritating skin problems with safe herbal medicines.
Since last 20 plus years I have treated/cured several hundreds of sufferers of the above skin diseases. My patients call it a Magical cream seeing the speed with which it works on their skin problems. My motto is to see a Psoriasis,Eczema,Dry skin FREE world for ever.
I am willing to extend my cooperation to all the sufferers as above.